Native SQL throwing Invalid Column Name Exception

I had the same issue.

The reason is my column name in annotation is not correct.

@Column(name = "CUSTOMER_NAME", length = 200)

should be changed to

@Column(name = "CUST_NM", length = 200)

you have this in your mapping:

<column name="DEPT_NAME"></column>

but there is no such column in your sql between Select and from:

session.createSQLQuery("Select d.DEPT_ID, e.EMP_NAME from Dept d,Emp e where d.DEPT_ID = e.DEPT_ID")

Hibernate has no possibilitys to bind the attribute. Try it with this:

session.createSQLQuery("Select d.DEPT_ID, d.DEPT_NAME, e.EMP_NAME from Dept d,Emp e where d.DEPT_ID = e.DEPT_ID")