Nativescript ListView showing only one item

What is really happening in your code is that you are creating a grid with two rows and then your list-view by default is put in the first row with setting "auto". This setting will give you space only as big as ONE item template space - in fact, all of your items are loaded and can be scrolled but there is a place to visualize only one of them.

Either change the auto to * or remove the nested grid-layout. Just to make sure that you are in control of which element is shown at the exact place I would recommend also to always declare your positions within the grid with row=" col=" even when there is a pretty simple architecture.


<Page xmlns="" loaded="pageLoaded">
  <GridLayout rows="auto, *">
    <!-- Header -->
    <StackLayout row="0" cssClass="page-header">
      <Label text="Header" cssClass="page-title bold" horizontalAlignment="center" margin="15"/>

    <!-- Sessions Views -->
    <ListView row="1" items="{{ sessions }}">
        <Label text="{{ title }}"/>


I had the same problem. I also noticed that the one line on Android in the ListView did scroll. I added height to the ListView and everything worked fine.

<GridLayout rows="*" class="SSGridLayout"> 
    <ListView items="{{ calcItems }}" itemTap="onItemTap" height="280"> 
            <GridLayout columns="auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto" rows="*" class="SSGridLayout"> 
                <Label text="{{ year }}" class="ScrollDataField" width="{{ widthB }}" col="1" textWrap="false" />