NDSolve with vector function

The problem is that Mathematica prematurely threads r[t] - p not knowing r[t] is actually in $\mathbb{R}^2$

In[]:= r[t] - {0, 0}
Out[]= {r[t], r[t]}

Which is not what you want. A quick fix for these types of issues is to create a function that only evaluates for numerical values (Changed to NDSolve since I only have version 8):

dummy[r_?(VectorQ[#, NumericQ] &), p_] := Normalize[r - p]
With[{o = 2, R = 2, p = {0, 0}},
  {r''[t] == -o^2 R dummy[r[t], p], r[0] == p + {R, 0}, r'[0] == {0, o R}},
  r, {t, 0, 3}]

Where r_?(VectorQ[#, NumericQ] &) makes sure that the first argument is a list of numbers:

In[]:= dummy[r[t], {0, 0}]
Out[]= dummy[r[t], {0, 0}]

In[]:= dummy[{1., 3.}, {0, 0}]
Out[]= {0.316228, 0.948683}

This ensures that the evaluation of Normalize[r[t] - p] only happens once the solving actually starts, thereby preventing improper threading.

Another useful method for this case is to instead use TranslationTransform[], which sidesteps the premature threading observed in the OP:

With[{o = 2, R = 2, p = {0, 0}}, 
     rf = NDSolveValue[{r''[t] == -o^2 R Normalize[TranslationTransform[-p][r[t]]], 
                        r[0] == p + {R, 0}, r'[0] == {0, o R}}, r, {t, 0, 3}]];

ParametricPlot[rf[t], {t, 0, 3}]

plot of solution