Need the height of the descent
Something like this?? I set the baseline to the depth of the g
descender and the top of the arrow to the height of the X
, using the active font size.
\draw[->] (0,0) -- (1ex,\dimexpr\ht0+\dp0\relax);
\Large fg\increasing
\normalsize fg\increasing
\tiny fg\increasing
You can measure the maximum descender:
\makebox[0pt][l]{\vrule width 5cm height -\alphabetdepth depth \dimexpr\alphabetdepth+0.1pt\relax}%
\draw[->] (0,0) -- (1ex,1em);
f \increasing\quad {g \increasing} {\itshape f \increasing}
{\LARGE\showbaseline f \increasing\quad g \increasing}
{\tiny \showbaseline\itshape f \increasing}
The \showbaseline
command is just for making clear where the maximum depth is located.