Neo4j 2.0.1 Browser - Display Node Properties (In addition to ID property)

While the accepted answer is correct, it doesn't show how to do it.

Since Neo4j Browser version v2.0.1, you can click on the label name at the top of the graph, options for size, color, and caption of the nodes appear at the bottom of the graph. Change the caption option to select a different property to display in the graph.

Here's a screenshot taken from Neo4j Browser v4.0.3.

enter image description here

The question is asked for version 2.0.1 But this may help who uses a later version. For 2.2.5 You can download the grass file from the Favorites tab.

Download the existing grass file. Change the property 'caption' for your respective label

eg: Change

caption: '{name}'; to  caption: '{title}';

Drop the .grass file again to upload it and your changes will be reflected

Currently you can only display node-property OR node-id as caption, use the popup dialog that shows when you click on a node or relationship.

The styling is configured per Label type and stored as a graph style sheet (GRASS) in your browsers local storage. You can also download these files to edit them and drag to upload them again.

enter image description here

