Nested functions in Java

I think that the closest you can get to having nested functions in Java 7 is not by using an anonymous inner class (Jon Skeet's answer), but by using the otherwise very rarely used local classes. This way, not even the interface of the nested class is visible outside its intended scope and it's a little less wordy too.

Jon Skeet's example implemented with a local class would look as follows:

public class Test {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        // Hack to give us a mutable variable we can
        // change from the closure.
        final int[] mutableWrapper = { 0 };

        class Foo {
            public void bar(int num) {
                mutableWrapper[0] *= num;

        Foo times = new Foo();

        for (int i = 1; i < 100; i++) {
            mutableWrapper[0] = i;
            i = mutableWrapper[0];

            i = mutableWrapper[0];



Java 8 introduces lambdas.

java.util.function.BiConsumer<Integer, Integer> times = (i, num) -> {
    i *= num;
for (int i = 1; i < 100; i++) {
    times.accept(i, 2); //multiply i by 2 and print i
    times.accept(i, i); //square i and then print the result

The () -> syntax works on any interface that defines exactly one method. So you can use it with Runnable but it doesn't work with List.

BiConsumer is one of many functional interfaces provided by java.util.function.

It's worth noting that under the hood, this defines an anonymous class and instantiates it. times is a reference to the instance.

Such methods are sometimes called closures. Have a look at Groovy – perhaps you will prefer it to Java. In Java 8 there will probably be closures as well (see JSR335 and deferred list).

The answer below is talking about the closest you can get to having nested functions in Java before Java 8. It's not necessarily the way I'd handle the same tasks which might be handled with nested functions in JavaScript. Often a private helper method will do just as well - possibly even a private helper type, which you create an instance of within the method, but which is available to all methods.

In Java 8 of course, there are lambda expressions which are a much simpler solution.

The closest you can easily come is with an anonymous inner class. That's as close as Java comes to closures at the moment, although hopefully there'll be more support in Java 8.

Anonymous inner classes have various limitations - they're obviously rather wordy compared with your JavaScript example (or anything using lambdas) and their access to the enclosing environment is limited to final variables.

So to (horribly) pervert your example:

interface Foo {
    void bar(int x);

public class Test {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        // Hack to give us a mutable variable we can
        // change from the closure.
        final int[] mutableWrapper = { 0 };

        Foo times = new Foo() {
            @Override public void bar(int num) {
                mutableWrapper[0] *= num;

        for (int i = 1; i < 100; i++) {
            mutableWrapper[0] = i;
            i = mutableWrapper[0];

            i = mutableWrapper[0];



Is that the output you get from the JavaScript code?