Nested list of dictionary with nested list of dictionary into a Pandas dataframe

You can also use json_normalize here:

df = pd.json_normalize(review_stat, 'books')


         id        isbn  ... work_text_reviews_count  average_rating
0  30278752  1594634025  ...                  109912            3.92
1  34006942  1501173219  ...                   75053            4.33

I believe a faster way without needing to append dataframes is to "flatten" the lists, because the dictionary contains single-key books which also contains one element. Therefore, it should easy to flatten into a single list which can be passed to pd.DataFrame:

df = pd.DataFrame([x['books'][0] for x in review_stat])


             id        isbn  ... work_text_reviews_count  average_rating
0  30278752  1594634025  ...                  109912            3.92
1  34006942  1501173219  ...                   75053            4.33

If you key is always books

pd.concat([pd.DataFrame(i['books']) for i in review_stat])

         id        isbn         isbn13  ratings_count  reviews_count  text_reviews_count  work_ratings_count  work_reviews_count  work_text_reviews_count average_rating
0  30278752  1594634025  9781594634024           4832           8435                 417             2081902             3313007                   109912           3.92
0  34006942  1501173219  9781501173219           4373          10741                 565             1005504             2142280                    75053           4.33

You can always reset the index if you need