Nesting PowerShell DSC configurations from different files
If you want to reference a configuration from another configuration that is not defined in the same file, you need to use the composite resource pattern.
In a module, you'll create a DscResources folder. In that folder, you'll create a module to hold your composite configurations. The composite configuration will be defined in a file with the extension .schema.psm1. The file will require a module manifest pointing to the schema.psm1 file as the root module.
For more detail and an example, check out the PowerShell team blog -
Splatting the parameters helps - following amended Primary.ps1
should work:
. .\Secondary.ps1
Configuration MyConfiguration {
Node localhost {
$params = @{ SomeParameter = "TestEnvVar" }
Secondary TheSecondary @params
Start-DscConfiguration .\MyConfiguration -Wait -Verbose