.NET localization tools

I just found simple VS addon with what I was looking for! http://visualstudiogallery.msdn.microsoft.com/3b64e04c-e8de-4b97-8358-06c73a97cc68 And it is free! ResXManager!

I sell a professional localization tool for Visual Studio developers and their translators. It does specifically what you're asking but I stand to profit from it so I don't want to overtly promote it here (to conform with the site's rules). See my profile for the link address.

I have tried crowdin.com and it worked fairly well. It's a free online too.

  • Nice, quick support.
  • It's easy to edit resx files.
  • Also supports a wide range of other resource files.
  • It's easy to invite volonteers to help you translate the project if desired.