.NET unit testing packages

We use NUnit and MbUnit here. We use TestDriven.NET to run the unit tests from within Visual Studio. We use the excellent, highly recommended RhinoMocks as a mock framework.

Stick to NUnit. Don't go anywhere near MSTest.

NUnit + ReSharper is an absolute joy to work with.

I used to use NUnit, but now tend to use MbUnit, for two key features: 1. The RowTest feature allows you to easily run the same test on different sets of parameters, which is important if you really want thorough coverage. 2. The Rollback feature allows you to run tests against your database while rolling back changes after every test, keeping your database in exactly the same state every time. And it's as easy as adding the [Rollback] attribute.

Another nice aspect of MbUnit is that its syntax is nearly identical to NUnit, so if you have a whole test bed already in place under NUnit, you can just switch out the references without the need to change any (very much?) code.

There are so many it's crazy. Crazy good, I guess.

  • For the conservative types (me), NUnit is still available and still more than capable.
  • For the Microsoft-types, MSTest is adequate, but it is slow and clunky compared to NUnit. It also lacks code coverage without paying the big bucks for the pricey versions of Visual Studio.
  • There's also MbUnit. It's like NUnit, but it has nifty features like RowTest (run the same test with different parameters) and Rollback (put the database back like you found it after a test).
  • And finally, xUnit.net is the trendy option with some attitude.
  • Oh, and TestDriven.NET will give you IDE integration for both NUnit and MbUnit.

I'm sure they're all just fine. I'd steer away from MSTest though, unless you just enjoy the convenience of having everything in one IDE out of the box.

Scott Hanselman has a podcast on this very topic.