New binomial coefficient identity?
In terms of hypergeometric series, the sum is $_3F_2(-n, 1+n, 1/2;1,3/2;1)$ and the identity is a special case of Saalschütz's theorem (also called the Pfaff-Saalschütz theorem), one of the standard hypergeometric series identities.
A more general identity, also a special case of Saalschütz's theorem, is $$\sum_{k=0}^n (-1)^k\frac{a}{a+k}\binom{n+k+b}{n-k}\binom{2k+b}{k} = \binom{n+b-a}{n}\biggm/\binom{n+a}{n}.$$ The O.P.'s identity is the case $a=1/2, b=0$.
Use $\binom{n+k}{k}\binom{n}k$ in the sum. Define the functions $$F(n,k)=(-1)^k\frac{2n+1}{2k+1}\binom{n+k}k\binom{n}{k}, \qquad G(n,k)=\frac{(-1)^{k-1}}{n+1}\binom{n+k}{k-1}\binom{n}{k-1}.$$ Then $F(n+1,k)-F(n,k)=G(n,k+1)-G(n,k)$. Sum over all integers $k$ to obtain $$f(n+1)-f(n)=0$$ where $f(n)=\sum_kF(n,k)$ is your sum. Since $f(0)=1$, the identity follows.
This method is called the Wilf-Zeilberger technique of summation routine.