ngOnChanges not firing if an @Input is receiving an object

Like this:

@Input() public param: any;
ngOnChanges(changes: SimpleChanges): void {
    // Do your check here

Using changes gets you access to previousValue and currentValue.

Angular change detection is triggered when the @Input property value changes.

So to trigger change detection in case of an object you could pass a copy of the object using spread operator as the input.

for eg. someVar = {key: value} this is @Input() variable, so pass like

<app-sample [someVar]="{...someVar}" ></app-sample>

{...VARIABLE} <- here is the magic

if spread operator won't work use any object deep copying methods like


The OnChanges lifecycle hook is triggered when the @Input property value changes. In the case of an object, that value is the object reference. If the object reference does not change, OnChanges is not triggered.

A possible technique to force change detection is to set a new object reference after modifying the property values:

this.whatever.value1 = 2;
this.whatever.value2 = 3;
this.whatever = Object.assign({}, this.whatever);

The ngOnChanges event handler can then be used to monitor the changes:

ngOnChanges(changes: SimpleChanges) {
  for (let propName in changes) {
    let chng = changes[propName];
    let cur = JSON.stringify(chng.currentValue);
    console.log(propName, cur);

As an alternative, if @Input decorates a getter/setter property, the changes can be monitored in the setter:

private _param: Object;

@Input() get param(): Object {
  return this._param;
set param(value: Object) {
  console.log("setter", value);
  this._param = value;

See this stackblitz for a demo.