ngrok and https tunnel for core application

Using ngrok version 2.3.29 and added authtoken (not sure if authtoken influences outcome, I've just added it following the online installation guide).

This command worked for me:

ngrok http https://localhost:{your-app-port} -host-header=localhost:{your-app-port}

Difference from existing answer: I pass localhost:port to -host-header

Difference form your question: I use ngrok http https://localhos:port instead of ngrok http http://localhos:port (https instead of http)

Now you have to put a -- before the host header

ngrok http https://localhost:{your-app-port} --host-header=localhost:"your-app-port"

  1. Download the current version of ngrok
  2. Register and get a token:
  3. Run ngrok and set the token with the command: ngrok authtoken YOUR_AUTHTOKEN
  4. Create a tunnel: ngrok http -host-header=localhost https://localhost:44313

Update 11 april 2019