No accounts with App Store Connect access have been found for the team

Awesome. Quick restart and fixed.

App Store Connect used to be called "iTunes Connect," and so this question was answered by another Stack Overflow answer.

When this happens to me, closing Xcode completely and re-opening it solves the problem.

Restarting Xcode fixed the problem for me, too.

Hopefully now that I've posted this question, someone can Google for "App Store Connect" and find the right answer.

If you don't have an account in App Store Connect the provided solution (i.e. closing and re-opening Xcode) will not work.

Kindly see the following section from official Apple documentation (

The person who enrolled in the Apple Developer Program is the main account holder and has the Legal role in App Store Connect, which includes binding authority for contracts, full access to App Store Connect, and more.

The Legal user can provide access to additional team members by setting up accounts for them in App Store Connect. Please note that adding members to a development team on the Apple Developer website will not automatically create accounts for those members in App Store Connect.

Add users by entering their names and email addresses in Users and Access. You can limit each user’s access level for App Store Connect and specific apps. If a user needs full access to App Store Connect, you can assign them the Admin role.

