No hyphenation in TOC entries, please

Since you are using a KOMA class, the way to go is to use the tocstyle package:

enter image description here

The code:





\section{This kind of problem, that kind of problem, other ones and further considerations}
\section{More problems, even more problems, much worse than these, headline with no hyphenation and somo more text goes here for the example}


Refer to the package documentation for further adjustments.

I think I'd be inclined to use Gonzalo Medina's answer given you are using scrreprt (and skip loading tocloft), but a tocloft solution isn't too tricky (and also useful for memoir users):


% \renewcommand{\@tocrmarg}{2.55em plus1fil}
\renewcommand{\@tocrmarg}{\@pnumwidth plus1fil} % <-- Revised

\section{This kind of problem, that kind of problem, other ones and further considerations}
\section{More problems, even more problems, much worse than these, headline hyphenation, and blablablablablablablablabla and XYZ-blablablablablablablablabla}


You should, in general, make sure the revised value for \@tocrmarg (TOC Right MARGin) is greater than that for \@pnumwidth (Page NUMber WIDTH).

A solution with the titletoc package:


 { \rightskip=10mm plus 1fil\hyphenpenalty=10000\contentsmargin{2mm}}%


\section{This kind of problem, that kind of problem, other ones and further considerations}
\section{More problems, even more problems, much worse than these, headline hyphenation, and blablablablablablablablabla and XYZblablablablablablablablabla}


enter image description here