No key with alias found in keystore

In my case android studio by default create alias 'key0' and it is the only alias in the file. My fast solution: Create new key file from android studio with alias that You want. Use that new created file with "Generated Signed APK". If all goes well You could run app with properties set up in "Project Structure".

In your build.gradle you have defined a signing config that it's pointing to a keystore that it's not in your code base.

Something similar to this.

android {
    buildTypes {
        release {
            signingConfig signingConfigs.staging
    signingConfigs {
        defaultSignature {
            keyAlias 'default'
            keyPassword 'password'
            storeFile file('default-keystore.jks')
            storePassword 'password'

The problem seems to be with the wrongly spelled key alias In my case the alias should have been toyanath patro where I wrongly tried to use toyanathpatro . So the best suggestion would be:

  1. Don't use space or invisible character in the key alias. as far as possible

  2. There is a small selection button (3 horizontal dots) on the right side of key alias editable field. Use that button to find the alias which resides in that signature file.

key alias editable field