Node.js - Express 4.x - method-override not handling PUT request

We could also use a simple middleware to handle x-http-method-override

     var router = express.Router();

     * Middleware that detects a HTTP method tunneled,
     * inside the header of another HTTP method. Detects
     * and routs to the method mentioned in the header.

            req.method = req.headers['x-http-method-override'];

As of method-override v2.0.0 (release 2014-06-01), the default behaviour of the middleware does not check the POST body for a _method field; it only checks the X-HTTP-Method-Override header.

In order for method-override to operate as it did in previous versions, you need to provide a custom function to methodOverride, which is detailed on the project page:

custom logic

You can implement any kind of custom logic with a function for the getter. The following implements the logic for looking in req.body that was in method-override 1:

var bodyParser     = require('body-parser')

var connect        = require('connect')
var methodOverride = require('method-override')

app.use(methodOverride(function(req, res){
  if (req.body && typeof req.body === 'object' && '_method' in req.body) {
    // look in urlencoded POST bodies and delete it
    var method = req.body._method
    delete req.body._method
    return method

A simpler way could be override using a query value:

var methodOverride = require('method-override')

// override with POST having ?_method=PUT

Example call with query override using HTML :

<form method="POST" action="/resource?_method=PUT">
  <button type="submit">Put resource</button>