NodeJS on Apple Silicon M1

The primary Node.JS repository has Issue #2747, which was updated yesterday with a note that current versions of Node compile just fine with no modifications required via Rosetta 2. The same post indicated that there was still in-flight "work to be done" to compile Node to an M1-native binary to unlock additional performance benefits.

Additional resources:

  • Node.JS Technical Steering Committee opened Issue #886 in their GitHub repository to track Node's support for Apple Silicon.

Hit similar issues. I would recommend you enable "Open using Rosetta" on Terminal, which should reduce all ends of pain for the moment. When this was enabled, I was able to install Node, as well as Homebrew, etc, with no issues. To do to:

  1. right click your terminal app from Finder
  2. select "Get Info"
  3. enable "Open using Rosetta"

Enabling Open using Rosetta

