nosql vs sql which is better for structure code example

Example 1: difference between nosql and sql

SQL						|    NoSQL
  relational			| non-relational
use structured query	| NoSQL databases have 
language and have a		| dynamic schemas for 
predefined schema.		| unstructured data.
are vertically scalable | are horizontally scalable.
are table based			| are document, key-value,
						| graph or wide-column stores.
are better for multi-row| are better for unstructured 
transactions			| data like documents or JSON.

Example 2: nosql vs sql

A SQL Database follows a table like structure which can have an 
unlimited number of rows and every data present inside the database 
is properly structured with Predefined Schemas, it is basically used 
to manipulate Relational Databases Management Systems.

A NoSQL Database is a Distributed Database where the data is very 
unstructured with Dynamic Schema. Unlike SQL it cannot have unlimited 
rows but it follows a Standard Schema Definition and can store all 
sorts of data models with large distributed data in the form of 
key-value pairs, graph databases, documents or wide-column stores.


Sql Example