not greater than or equal to c++ code example

Example 1: python larger or equal

# To test if something is larger or equal use '>='
5 >= 10
# Output:
# False

Example 2: Create a function called randomRange that takes a range myMin and myMax and returns a random number that's greater than or equal to myMin, and is less than or equal to myMax, inclusive.

// Example
function ourFunction(ourMin, ourMax) {

  return Math.floor(Math.random() * (ourMax - ourMin + 1)) + ourMin;

ourFunction(1, 9);

// Only change code below this line.

function randomRange(myMin, myMax) {

  return Math.floor(Math.random() * (myMax - myMin + 1) + myMin);


// Change these values to test your function
var myRandom = randomRange(5, 15);