Not showing as a contributor on GitHub

Setting your email address for every repository on your computer

git config --global "[email protected]"

OR setting your email address for a single repository

git config "[email protected]"

Then commit something and check contributors tab.

Read more from Github

Github shows only the top 100 contributors for a project.

If there are more than 100, the other contributors beyond these top 100 are never shown.

Even if you set a date range and there are less than 100 contributors displayed for the selected period, the list still only contains contributors who are among the all-time top 100.

Sometime if you do fork, commit or merge in your branch, it still doesn't show your name in contributors. It may be due to email which you set on command line is not mentioned in your git profile. Following steps work for me.

  1. go to
  2. Add your email to 'add Email address' option which is used on command line

Now check the contributors tab on project. It will start showing your contributions.

Few things might lead to you not being able to see your own contributions to another person's git repository.

  1. The owner of the repository may not have merged your branch yet, if so, you may not show up as a contributor because technically at that point in time, you still have no code in that master branch.

  2. Your pull request was not opened and is sitting stagnant. Note that even if some did open your branches pull request, because of the reason above, you may not see yourself as a contributor still until they merged you.

  3. Your branch was opened and closed without merging. Your code was not added to the master branch therefore you did not technically contribute.

  4. The owners repository is private and he or she chooses not to share their private contributions. Because of this you are not able to share your contributions to their private repository either.

  5. Commit rollback. Although I am not certain of this, perhaps if they rolled back past a commit that included your code, you may not show up. Once again, I am not certain of this.

Hope this answers your question.