npm install: Verfication failed while extracting

It seems to be a caching issue at the npm servers. We've switched from npm to GitHub packages, everything works fine there.

Have u try to delete package-lock.json?


Try to delete npm and npm-cache folders


re-run npm install

Not exactly your case, but for those who run into the "integrity checksum failed" error the following might help. But first make sure you understand what's going on. npm tells you that the checksum from doesn't match the one from package-lock.json. Either it changed in the registry, or...

Consider a line from the output:

npm ERR!
integrity checksum failed when using sha512: wanted
but got
. (4835509 bytes)

Find the package in package-lock.json by the first two integrity checksums (sha512-lQ...HA==), and put the third one (sha512-nH...ow==) into its "integrity" field.

More on it here.