npm start not refreshing new content on save on one computer, but is on another with almost exact same setup

Client side

To ensure client side changes aren't being cached, you can open devtools > Network, and check "Disable cache". After enabling this, you won't have anything in the cache as long as devtools is open.

Alternatively, you can use incognito / private browsing mode to prevent the cache from holding on to things.

Server side

I'm sure you've realized that it's a pain to restart your server every time you want to see your code update. There are several tools that will detect file changes and handle restarting the server automatically.

  • PM2
  • Nodemon
  • Forever

If you are using npm in WSL2.0 for development, please refer the last point in this-

I know WSL isn't technically a VM, but adding


in a .env file in the project directory fixed the problem.

On a sidenote, you might wanna take a look at this