NSArray + remove item from array

This category may be to your taste. But! Be frugal with its usage; since we are converting to a NSMutableArray and back again, it's not at all efficient.

@implementation NSArray (mxcl)

- (NSArray *)arrayByRemovingObject:(id)obj
    if (!obj) return [self copy]; // copy because all array* methods return new arrays
    NSMutableArray *mutableArray = [NSMutableArray arrayWithArray:self];
    [mutableArray removeObject:obj];
    return [NSArray arrayWithArray:mutableArray];


NSMutableArray *arrayThatYouCanRemoveObjects = [NSMutableArray arrayWithArray:your_array];

[arrayThatYouCanRemoveObjects removeObjectAtIndex:your_object_index];

[your_array release];

 your_array = [[NSArray arrayWithArray: arrayThatYouCanRemoveObjects] retain];

that's about it

if you dont own your_array(i.e it's autoreleased) remove the release & retain messages

NSArray is not mutable, that is, you cannot modify it. You should take a look at NSMutableArray. Check out the "Removing Objects" section, you'll find there many functions that allow you to remove items:

[anArray removeObjectAtIndex: index];
[anArray removeObject: item];
[anArray removeLastObject];

Here's a more functional approach using Key-Value Coding:

@implementation NSArray (Additions)

- (instancetype)arrayByRemovingObject:(id)object {
    return [self filteredArrayUsingPredicate:[NSPredicate predicateWithFormat:@"SELF != %@", object]];



