NSTableCellView padding

Below are some options for getting the padding.

Earlier I had some problems getting the correct bounding box height for NSAttributedString. I don't remember how I solved them but there are some discussions on the matter.

Idea #1:

Use NSTableView's intercell spacing. It's also available in the Interface Builder from the table view's size tab. Look for cell spacing.

Idea #2:

When editing the interface:

  • Unless you need something else, use the text or image and text table cell view provided by Apple.
  • Change the height of the table cell view inside the table view using the size tab.
  • Reposition the text field inside the table cell view.

Idea #3:

Use a custom cell.

  • You can change the field editor position by overriding -[NSTextFieldCell editWithFrame:inView:editor:delegate:event:]. There's also -[NSTextFieldCell setUpFieldEditorAttributes]. I found this sample code useful.
  • If you increase the height of the cell, there are a couple of ways to make NSTextFieldCell draw the text vertically centered.