Nuget Feed Address

I had a similar issue with a fresh install of Visual Studio 2019 Preview...

To fix it, on the toolbar click Tools > NuGet Package Manager > Package Manager Settings

Then on the Options window expand the NuGet Package Manager tree option

Click on Package sources

Click the PLUS + icon to add a new package source (the feed url)

NuGet Package Manager Options

In the Name textbox give the package source a suitable name.

In the Source textbox, type the URL:

Click Update button > then OK button

I reloaded the Nuget Package Manager window and it brought up the full list of packages.

Manage NuGet Packages For Solution

In visual studio, go to Tools menu -> library package manager -> package manager settings.

Earlier Visual Studio configuration for NuGet 1.2 points at

This link resolves to (don't use this, just for verification)

Update In Visual Studio 2013, I get (as "Available package sources") and (as "Machine-wide package sources")

(Thanks @mheyman)

As of VS2015 (SP2?) the default and only feed available appears to be the MS-Curated "Microsoft and .NET" one -, which is missing a LOT of packages.

For VS2015 you can resolve this by opening as Admin, going to:

  1. Tools > Options
  2. NuGet Package Manager > Package Sources
  3. Click the green "add" icon, and add the following feed: