nuget pack content files only

Yes. You can create a .nuspec file that simply references the content files.

You must use nuget pack MyPackage.nuspec

Don't pack the .csproj file as that causes NuGet to include the built assembly.

See reference for more info.

To package a file as content, you must use target=content when listing the file in your .nuspec document.

To create a 'content only' nuget package, you must use a <files> node to list the files.

A <files> node must be a sibling of the <metadata> node.

A <file> node must be a child of a <files> node.

To include a file as content, set the target attribute in a <file> node to 'content'.


    <file src="{filePath}" target="content"/>

As previously mentioned, you must then pack the .nuspec file rather than a .csproj file:

nuget pack *.nuspec

I found the target=content trick here:


