Null Coalescing Operator in F#?
modified the accepted answer by jbtule to support DBNull:
open System
let inline isNull value = obj.ReferenceEquals(value, null)
let inline isDBNull value = obj.ReferenceEquals(value, DBNull.Value)
type NullCoalesce =
static member Coalesce(a: 'a option, b: 'a Lazy) = match a with Some a -> a | _ -> b.Value
static member Coalesce(a: 'a Nullable, b: 'a Lazy) = if a.HasValue then a.Value else b.Value
//static member Coalesce(a: 'a when 'a:null, b: 'a Lazy) = match a with null -> b.Value | _ -> a // overridden, so removed
static member Coalesce(a: DBNull, b: 'b Lazy) = b.Value //added to support DBNull
// The following line overrides the definition for "'a when 'a:null"
static member Coalesce(a: obj, b: 'b Lazy) = if isDBNull a || isNull a then b.Value else a // support box DBNull
let inline nullCoalesceHelper< ^t, ^a, ^b, ^c when (^t or ^a) : (static member Coalesce : ^a * ^b -> ^c)> a b =
((^t or ^a) : (static member Coalesce : ^a * ^b -> ^c) (a, b))
let inline (|??) a b = nullCoalesceHelper<NullCoalesce, _, _, _> a b
let o = box null
let x = o |?? lazy (box 2)
let y = (DBNull.Value) |?? lazy (box 3)
let z = box (DBNull.Value) |?? lazy (box 4)
let a = None |?? lazy (box 5)
let b = box None |?? lazy (box 6)
let c = (Nullable<int>() ) |?? lazy (7)
let d = box (Nullable<int>() ) |?? lazy (box 8)
Yes, using some minor hackery found in this SO answer "Overload operator in F#".
At compiled time the correct overload for an usage of either ('a Nullable, 'a) ->'a
or ('a when 'a:null, 'a) -> 'a
for a single operator can be inlined. Even ('a option, 'a) -> 'a
can be thrown in for more flexibility.
To provide closer behavior to c# operator, I've made default parameter 'a Lazy
so that it's source isn't called unless the original value is null
let value = Something.PossiblyNullReturned()
|?? lazy new SameType()
NullCoalesce.fs [Gist]:
type NullCoalesce =
static member Coalesce(a: 'a option, b: 'a Lazy) =
match a with
| Some a -> a
| _ -> b.Value
static member Coalesce(a: 'a Nullable, b: 'a Lazy) =
if a.HasValue then a.Value
else b.Value
static member Coalesce(a: 'a when 'a:null, b: 'a Lazy) =
match a with
| null -> b.Value
| _ -> a
let inline nullCoalesceHelper< ^t, ^a, ^b, ^c when (^t or ^a) : (static member Coalesce : ^a * ^b -> ^c)> a b =
// calling the statically inferred member
((^t or ^a) : (static member Coalesce : ^a * ^b -> ^c) (a, b))
let inline (|??) a b = nullCoalesceHelper<NullCoalesce, _, _, _> a b
Alternatively I made a library that utilizes this technique as well as computation expression for dealing with Null/Option/Nullables, called FSharp.Interop.NullOptAble
It uses the operator |?->