NullInjectorError: No provider for Store

You can use the ngrx mock store:

import { provideMockStore } from '@ngrx/store/testing';

beforeEach(() => {
      providers: [provideMockStore({})],

You can define a specific state and pass it as method parameter.

if your service is referencing an ngrx store then you need to import the ngrx modules. I am making an assumption right now that you are doing that in your AppModule. You need to duplicate that in your TestBed module. I generally create a test ngrx module that does all that and then I can just import that in any spec file that references Store

As stated here

Add following to the specs.ts file:
// Add the import the module from the package 
import { StoreModule } from '@ngrx/store';

   // Add the imported module to the imports array in beforeEach 
   beforeEach(async(() => {
      imports: [
      declarations: [
        // The component that's being tested

And if you get error Property 'provideStore' does not exist on type 'typeof StoreModule use forRoot instead of provideStore. Also look here and here is similar question here.
