NullPointerException: int android.widget.Editor$SelectionModifierCursorController.getMinTouchOffset()

1)  First of all, only if required, set one of these.





Linkify.addLinks(textView, Linkify.PHONE_NUMBERS | Linkify.EMAIL_ADDRESSES | Linkify.MAP_ADDRESSES);

2) Secondly, set a long click listener for TextView and it must return true.

textView.setOnLongClickListener(new View.OnLongClickListener() {
    public boolean onLongClick(View v) {
        // do soemthing if needed
        return true;

There is some internal crashing issue on Xiaomi devices. If you override setOnLongClickListener(reference) first and then follow the step one, it will use internal implementation and that will keep on crashing. So it is import to follow above steps in sequence.

I am open to other solutions, however by following this approach I don't see crash reports anymore.

Do you have a custom TextView in your app? Is it perhaps resizeable or has additional functionality?

Xiaomi's Android skin is likely interfering with that, and causing crashes. I suggest trying to long click all TextViews in your app.