Number of collinear ways to fill a grid

By the method I used to solve Counting "connected" edge orderings (shellings) of the complete graph, I can show the following: $$ g(m,n) = (mn-1)!\,m!\,n!\sum \frac{b_1 b_2\cdots b_{m+n-2}} {b_{m+n-2}(b_{m+n-3}+b_{m+n-2})\cdots(b_1+b_2+\cdots+b_{m+n-2})}, $$ where the sum is over all sequences $a_1 a_2\cdots a_{m+n-2}$ of $m-1$ $0$'s and $n-1$ $1$'s, and where $$ b_i=\#\{1\leq j<i\,\colon\, a_i\neq a_j\}+1. $$ Does anyone see why this is equal to $m!\,n!\,(mn)!/(m+n-1)!$?

We managed to obtain a solution via Stanley's comment above and some manipulations of binomial coefficients. See

Let me give an alternative proof with only finitely many variables used. It also gives some formulae for the following numbers: "when the filling becomes not collinear for the first time, there are $a$ columns and $b$ rows already used in the filling".

Consider a random enumeration $e_1,e_2,\ldots,e_{mn}$ of the edges of the graph $K_{n,m}$ with parts $N=\{v_1,\ldots,v_n\}$ and $M=\{u_1,\ldots,u_m\}$. We look it as a process: the edges $e_1,e_2,\ldots$ are added consecutively. Denote by $G(k)$ the graph formed by $e_1,\ldots,e_k$. For positive integers $a\leqslant n, b\leqslant m$ denote by $f(a,b)$ the probability of the following event $E(a,b)$:

(i) there exists $k$ such that the graphs $G(1),\ldots,G(k)$ are connected and the vertices of $G(k)$ are $v_1,\ldots,v_a;u_1,\ldots,u_b$; and

(ii) the vertices $v_1,v_2,\ldots,v_a$ appear in the sequence of graphs $G(1),G(2),\ldots$ in this order (that is, the first appearance of $v_i$ is before the first appearance of $v_{i+1}$, for each $i=1,\ldots,a-1$); the same for $u_1,\ldots,u_b$.

Clearly the probability of event (i) itself (without assuming (ii)) equals $a!b! f(a,b)$. So we should prove $f(n,m)=\frac1{(n+m-1)!}$. The key point is the following

Recursion. $f(1,1)=1$, also define $f(a,0)=f(0,b)$ for $n\geqslant a\geqslant 2$, $m\geqslant b\geqslant 2$. Then for $n\geqslant a\geqslant 1,m\geqslant b\geqslant 1$ and $(a,b)\ne (1,1)$ we have $$ f(a,b)=\frac{a}{nm-a(b-1)}f(a,b-1)+\frac{b}{nm-(a-1)b}f(a-1,b). \,\quad(1) $$

Proof of recursion. If the vertex $v_a$ appears before than $u_b$, then the event $E(a,b-1)$ happened. Consider the first moment after it happened and the new vertex (not $v_1,\ldots,v_a;u_1,\ldots,u_{b-1})$ appeared. It is the vertex $u_b$ with probability $\frac{a}{nm-a(b-1)}$ (there are $a$ admissible edges and $nm-a(b-1)$ edges using the new vertex in total). That's the first summand, the second analogously corresponds to the case when $u_b$ appears before $v_a$.

Now we solve recurrence (1). I do not know how it should be done in a regular way, so I guessed the answer and proved that it works.

Take a variable $t$ and call a double sequence of rational functions $\varphi(a,b)=\varphi(a,b)(t)$ defined for all non-negative integers $a,b$ appropriate if they satisfy a recurrence $$(t-ab)\varphi (a,b)=a\varphi (a,b-1)+b\varphi (a-1,b)\quad \text{for}\,\,a,b\geqslant 1.$$ So admissible double sequences form a linear space.

Observation. For any $i=1,2,3,\ldots$ the function $$\psi_{i}(a,b):=(-1)^{b-i}\binom{a+b}{a+i}\frac1{(\frac{t}i+b)^{\underline{a+b+1}}}$$ is appropriate. Here we use Knuth's notation $x^{\underline{k}}=x(x-1)\ldots (x-k+1)$. The proof is straightforward.

Proposition. Consider the double sequence $$ h(a,b):=\sum_{i=1}^\infty \left(1+\frac{t}{i^2}\right)\psi_i(a,b) $$ (the summation is of course finite, only upto $i=b$, since for $i>b$ we have $\binom{a+b}{a+i}=0$). Then $h$ is an appropriate double sequence, satisfying $h(1,1)=\frac1{t(t-1)},h(a,0)=h(0,b)=0$ for $a,b\geqslant 2$.

Proof of the proposition. $h$ is appropriate by Observation and linearity of the set of appropriate function. Relations $h(1,1)=\frac1{t(t-1)}$ and $h(a,0)=0$ are clear. For computing $h(0,b)$ we may look at $h(0,b)$ as a rational function of negative degree and check that all residues are equal to 0. The residue at $t=0$ equals $$\sum_{i=1}^b(-1)^{b-i}\binom{b}i\cdot i=b\sum_{i=1}^b(-1)^{b-i}\binom{b-1}{i-1}=0\quad \text{for}\quad b\geqslant 2.$$ The residues at $t=-ij$, $1\leqslant i,j\leqslant b, i\ne j$, for functions $(1+\frac{t}{i^2})\psi_i(0,b)$ and $(1+\frac{t}{j^2})\psi_j(0,b)$ cancel out.

Main formula. $$f(a,b)=(t-ab)h(a,b)\quad \text{where} \quad t=mn$$ for $1\leqslant a\leqslant n, 1\leqslant b\leqslant m$. (For $a=n,b=m$ the function $h(n,m)$ has a pole at $t=mn$, but the product $(t-mn)h(n,m)$ is well-defined as ${\rm res}_{t=mn} h(n,m)$.)

Proof. Both parts satisfy the same initial conditions $f(1,1)=\frac1{mn}=\frac1{t}=(t-1)h(1,1)$, $f(a,0)=f(0,b)=0$ for $a\geqslant 2$ and the same recurrence (1).

Now for $a=n,b=m$ we get $$f(n,m)={\rm res}_{t=mn}\sum_{i=1}^m\left(1+\frac{t}{i^2}\right)\psi_i(a,b) ={\rm res}_{t=mn} (1+\frac{n}m) \psi_m(n,m)=\frac{1}{(n+m-1)!}$$