Number of sign flips in list?
list = {1, 1, -1, 1, -1, -1, 1, 1, 1, -1};
Total[Unitize[Subtract[list, RotateRight @ list]]]
Total @ Abs @ Subtract[list, RotateRight@list]/2
Length[Split[Append[list, list[[1]]]]] - 1
split = Length[Split[Append[#, #[[1]]]]] - 1 &;
fold = With[{f = First[#], r = Rest[#]},
Block[{o}, If[f == r[[-1]], o = {0, f}, o = {1, f}];
First[Fold[With[{c = #1[[1]], s1 = #1[[-1]], s2 = #2},
If[s1 == s2, {c, s2}, {c + 1, s2}]] &, o, r]]]] &;
bitxor = Total@Unitize@BitXor[#, RotateRight[#]] &;
bitxor2[list_] := -Total@BitXor[list, RotateRight@list]/2
subtract = Total@Unitize@Subtract[#, RotateRight@#] &;
subtract2 = Total@Abs@Subtract[#, RotateRight@#]/2 &;
differences = Total[Abs[Differences[Sign@#]]]/2 + Boole[Sign[First[#]] != Sign[Last[#]]]&;
flips = With[{q = Split[Positive[#]][[All, 1]]}, Length[q]-Boole[First[q] === Last[q]]]&;
partition = -Total[Cases[Apply[Times, Partition[#, 2, 1, {1, 1}], 1], Except[1]]] &;
flipNum[l_] := Block[{num}, num = 0;
Do[If[0 > l[[i]] l[[i + 1]], num = num + 1;];, {i, 1, Length[l] - 1}];
If[0 > l[[1]] l[[-1]], num = num + 1;]; num]
ProgressiveDifferences[list_] := Reverse[Differences[Reverse[list]]];
WrappingDifferences[list_] := Append[ProgressiveDifferences[list],
list[[Length[list]]] - list[[1]]]/2;
wrappingdifs = Total[Abs[WrappingDifferences[#]]] &;
count = Count[# + RotateRight@#, 0] &;
count2= Length[#] - Total[Abs[# + RotateRight@#]]/2 &;
listconvolve = Count[ListConvolve[{1, 1}, #, 1], 0] &;
listconvolve2 = Length[#] - Total[Abs[ListConvolve[{1, 1}, #, 1]]]/2 &;
funcs = {flips, split, fold, bitxor, subtract, subtract2, differences,
flipNum, partition, bitxor2, count,count2, listconvolve, listconvolve2, wrappingdifs};
labels = {"flips", "split", "fold", "bitxor", "subtract",
"subtract2", "differences", "flipNum", "partition", "bitxor2",
"count","countt2", "listconvolve", "listconvolve2", "wrappingdifs"};
Timings for unpacked input
For unpacked input data, Alucard & Chip Hurst's listconvolve2
is the fastest among the methods posted so far followed by differences
Version 9.0 on Windows 10 - 64bit
list = RandomChoice[{-1, 1}, 10^7];
{timing, output} = Transpose[AbsoluteTiming[#[list]] & /@ funcs];
TeXForm @ Grid[Prepend[SortBy[Transpose[{labels, output, timing}], Last],
{"function", "output", "timing"}], Dividers -> All]
$$\begin{array}{|c|c|c|} \hline \text{function} & \text{output} & \text{timing} \\ \hline \text{listconvolve2} & 5000678 & 0.327872 \\ \hline \text{differences} & 5000678 & 0.392042 \\ \hline \text{subtract2} & 5000678 & 0.435157 \\ \hline \text{subtract} & 5000678 & 0.440169 \\ \hline \text{bitxor2} & 5000678 & 0.533418 \\ \hline \text{bitxor} & 5000678 & 0.536427 \\ \hline \text{count2} & 5000678 & 0.538431 \\ \hline \text{listconvolve} & 5000678 & 0.737962 \\ \hline \text{count} & 5000678 & 0.975595 \\ \hline \text{fold} & 5000678 & 1.226261 \\ \hline \text{split} & 5000678 & 1.455870 \\ \hline \text{flips} & 5000678 & 2.982931 \\ \hline \text{wrappingdifs} & 5000678 & 3.439143 \\ \hline \text{partition} & 5000678 & 7.361212 \\ \hline \text{flipNum} & 5000678 & 20.259868 \\ \hline \end{array}$$
Version 11.2 on windows 10-64bit
$$\begin{array}{|c|c|c|} \hline \text{function} & \text{output} & \text{timing} \\ \hline \text{subtract} & 5000678 & 0.459002 \\ \hline \text{subtract2} & 5000678 & 0.476543 \\ \hline \text{listconvolve2} & 5000678 & 0.501648 \\ \hline \text{count2} & 5000678 & 0.517032 \\ \hline \text{count} & 5000678 & 1.02226 \\ \hline \text{listconvolve} & 5000678 & 1.1516 \\ \hline \text{fold} & 5000678 & 1.35075 \\ \hline \text{split} & 5000678 & 1.42508 \\ \hline \text{flips} & 5000678 & 2.39839 \\ \hline \text{differences} & 5000678 & 3.14381 \\ \hline \text{wrappingdifs} & 5000678 & 3.23569 \\ \hline \text{bitxor} & 5000678 & 3.92984 \\ \hline \text{bitxor2} & 5000678 & 4.66418 \\ \hline \text{partition} & 5000678 & 5.09891 \\ \hline \text{flipNum} & 5000678 & 19.1239 \\ \hline \end{array}$$
Timings for PackedArray input
Version 9.0 on Windows 10 - 64bit
Using a packed array as input, subtract2
is the fastest followed by subtract
list = RandomChoice[Developer`ToPackedArray@{-1, 1}, 10^7];
{timing, output} = Transpose[AbsoluteTiming[#[list]] & /@ funcs];
TeXForm @ Grid[Prepend[SortBy[Transpose[{labels, output, timing}], Last],
{"function", "output", "timing"}], Dividers -> All]
$$\begin{array}{|c|c|c|} \hline \text{function} & \text{output} & \text{timing} \\ \hline \text{subtract} & 5000678 & 0.211562 \\ \hline \text{count2} & 5000678 & 0.212565 \\ \hline \text{bitxor} & 5000678 & 0.242641 \\ \hline \text{listconvolve2} & 5000678 & 0.259692 \\ \hline \text{subtract2} & 5000678 & 0.295785 \\ \hline \text{bitxor2} & 5000678 & 0.326869 \\ \hline \text{differences} & 5000678 & 0.332885 \\ \hline \text{count} & 5000678 & 0.629674 \\ \hline \text{listconvolve} & 5000678 & 0.694850 \\ \hline \text{fold} & 5000678 & 1.269379 \\ \hline \text{split} & 5000678 & 2.291084 \\ \hline \text{wrappingdifs} & 5000678 & 3.368954 \\ \hline \text{flips} & 5000678 & 5.188834 \\ \hline \text{partition} & 5000678 & 8.494586 \\ \hline \text{flipNum} & 5000678 & 22.879290 \\ \hline \end{array}$$
Version 11.2 on windows 10-64bit(Alucard i5-6300u)
$$\begin{array}{|c|c|c|} \hline \text{function} & \text{output} & \text{timing} \\ \hline \text{bitxor2} & 5000678 & 0.159978 \\ \hline \text{count2} & 5000678 & 0.170289 \\ \hline \text{subtract2} & 5000678 & 0.176443 \\ \hline \text{bitxor} & 5000678 & 0.18276 \\ \hline \text{subtract} & 5000678 & 0.184796 \\ \hline \text{differences} & 5000678 & 0.344954 \\ \hline \text{listconvolve2} & 5000678 & 0.40738 \\ \hline \text{count} & 5000678 & 0.665442 \\ \hline \text{listconvolve} & 5000678 & 0.891994 \\ \hline \text{fold} & 5000678 & 1.42892 \\ \hline \text{split} & 5000678 & 1.64534 \\ \hline \text{flips} & 5000678 & 2.31116 \\ \hline \text{wrappingdifs} & 5000678 & 3.0645 \\ \hline \text{partition} & 5000678 & 5.5853 \\ \hline \text{flipNum} & 5000678 & 22.0245 \\ \hline \end{array}$$
Here's my version:
Total @ Unitize @ BitXor[list, RotateRight[list]]
Assuming the lists consist of only 1 and -1, then the BitXor
function call will return -2 (for sign changes) and 0 otherwise. So, we can dispense with the Unitize
bitxor[list_] := -Total @ BitXor[list, RotateRight @ list]/2
This should be faster than the other answers as long as the input is packed. For example:
subtract[list_] := Total @ Unitize @ Subtract[list, RotateRight @ list]
differences[list_] := 1/2 Total[Abs[Differences[Sign[list]]]]+Boole[Sign[First[list]]!=Sign[Last[list]]]
data = RandomChoice[Developer`ToPackedArray @ {-1, 1}, 10^7];
r1 = bitxor[data]; //RepeatedTiming
r2 = subtract[data]; //RepeatedTiming
r3 = differences[data]; //RepeatedTiming
r1 === r2 === r3
{0.057, Null}
{0.077, Null}
{0.15, Null}
If the input isn't packed, then the BitXor
approach becomes much slower, at least in M11.2.
If your list doesn't contain 0
you can do
list = {1,1,-1,1,-1,-1,1,1,1,-1};
Total[Abs[Differences[Sign[list]]]]/2 + Boole[Sign[First[list]] != Sign[Last[list]]]
Accounting for the cyclic sign flip this way isn't as elegant, but in kglr's test it's much faster than using Append[list, First[list]]