Numbers with two digits exceeds the cell in tabularx

Instead of fixing the column width of the 12 final columns, set the content in regular centred (non-fixed-width) column. And then use collcell to capture the content of the columns and set them in a box that naturally fits to the widest element. This latter max-width-box-fixing is done using eqparbox's \eqmakebox[<tag>]{<stuff>}. Elements using the same <tag> are set in a box of the same, naturally-widest, box.

enter image description here





  \begin{tabularx}{\textwidth}{ | >{\centering\arraybackslash}X | *{12}{C|} }
               &                                                                                      \multicolumn{12}{c|}{Months}                                                                                      \\ \cline{2-13}
               & 1                & 2                & 3                & 4                & 5                & 6                & 7                & 8                & 9                &10               &11 &12                                                    \\ \hline
    Activity 1 & \graycell & \graycell & \graycell &                  &                  &                  &                  &                  &                  &                  &    &                                                    \\ \hline
    Activity 2 &                  & \graycell & \graycell &                  &                  &                  &                  &                  &                  &                  &    &                                                    \\ \hline
    Activity 3 &                  &                  & \graycell & \graycell & \graycell &                  &                  &                  &                  &                  &    &                                 \\ \hline
    Activity 4 &                  &                  &                  &                  & \graycell & \graycell &                  &                  &                  &                  &    &                                                     \\ \hline
    Activity 4 &                  &                  &                  &                  &                  &                  & \graycell & \graycell & \graycell &                  &    &                                    \\ \hline
    Activity 4 &                  &                  &                  &                  &                  &                  &                  &                  & \graycell & \graycell &   \graycell &  \graycell  \\ \hline


If you want multiple such tables that have varying fixed-width, one can also achieve this using manual insertion of \eqmakebox with an appropriate table-specific <tag>.

If you truly want the columns to be 0.1cm (or 1mm), you can use the following definitions in your preamble:


enter image description here

No need to use eqparbox then.

You seem to be under the impression that if one specifies the column type as m{1mm}, the column's width will be 1mm. In fact, that's merely its usable width; its full width is 1mm+2\tabcolsep; the length parameter \tabcolsep (default value: 6pt) governs the amount of whitespace that's inserted to the left and right of each column. Since 72.27 TeX points = 1 inch, 1 TeX point is equal to about 0.3515mm, and the total width of each m{1mm} column is actually 1mm+12*0.3515mm=5.22mm.

If the font is Computer Modern and the font size is 11pt, the width of each and every numeral is 5.475pt. Given that you've specified a usable column width of only 1mm=2.84pt, it's not surprising that you get lots of warning messages about overfull boxes and that the two-digit numbers protrude into the following cells.

I take it that (a) you'd like to keep the month columns as narrow as possible and also (b) all 12 month columns should be equally wide. If that's the case, I suggest you take the following approach: Set \tabcolsep to a very small value, say, 0.5pt, and set the usable width of each month column to the width of the widest material in the header cells -- here, the number 12. The width of the number 12 is 2*5.475pt=10.95pt; the total width of the cell will be 10.95pt+2*0.5pt=11.95pt=4.2mm -- about 1mm less than in your initial setup. Keep using a tabularx environment to maximize the usable width of the first column.

enter image description here

% I've simplified and streamlined the preamble


% Some new code
\newcommand\cg{\cellcolor{gray}} % handy shortcut macro

 & \multicolumn{12}{c|}{Months} \\ 
 & 1 & 2 & 3 & 4 & 5 & 6 & 7 & 8 & 9 &10 &11 &12 \\ 
 Activity 1 & \cellcolor{gray} & \cellcolor{gray} & \cellcolor{gray} & & & & & & & & & \\ 
 Activity 2 & & \cellcolor{gray} & \cellcolor{gray} & & & & & & & & & \\ 
 Activity 3 & & & \cellcolor{gray} & \cellcolor{gray} & \cellcolor{gray} & & & & & & & \\ 
 Activity 4 & & & & & \cellcolor{gray} & \cellcolor{gray} & & & & & &\\ 
 Activity 4 & & & & & & & \cellcolor{gray} & \cellcolor{gray} & \cellcolor{gray} & & & \\ 
 Activity 4 & & & & & & & & & \cellcolor{gray} & \cellcolor{gray} & \cellcolor{gray} & \cellcolor{gray} \\ 
\caption{Original form}

\setlength\tabcolsep{0.5pt} %default is 6pt

 & \multicolumn{12}{c|}{Months} \\ 
 & 1 & 2 & 3 & 4 & 5 & 6 & 7 & 8 & 9 &10 &11 &12 \\ 
 Activity 1 & \cg & \cg & \cg & & & & & & & & & \\ 
 Activity 2 & & \cg & \cg & & & & & & & & & \\ 
 Activity 3 & & & \cg & \cg & \cg & & & & & & & \\ 
 Activity 4 & & & & & \cg & \cg & & & & & &\\ 
 Activity 4 & & & & & & & \cg & \cg & \cg & & & \\ 
 Activity 4 & & & & & & & & & \cg & \cg & \cg & \cg \\ 
\caption{Modified form}
