Nuxt Error: Syntax Unexpected token export after installation

This error can show up if you're importing an ES6 module which needs to be transpiled in order to load into the UI. In that case, this is fixed by adding the module into the transpile key of the build section of nuxt.config.js (at time of this post, the Nuxt transpile docs are a little confusing).

For instance, if you're trying to import a module called @stylelib then you'd want the following in your nuxt.config.js:

export default {
  build: {
    transpile: ['@stylelib']

I just checked your issue and it happens when you use element UI with Nuxt. Update your Nuxt configuration like this(Andrew Answer):

plugins: [
  {src: '~/plugins/element-ui', ssr: false},
  {src: '~/plugins/vee-validate.js', ssr: true},