NuxtServerInit not working on Vuex module mode - Nuxt.js

As said in the docs

If you are using the Modules mode of the Vuex store, only the primary module (in store/index.js) will receive this action. You'll need to chain your module actions from there.

So you need to place your nuxtServerInit into store/index.js

try use that code, clear file index.js, and run.. on server console you see message.

     export const actions = {

  nuxtServerInit ({ dispatch }) {

maybe also can try nuxt.config.js

module.exports = {
  //mode: 'spa',
  mode: 'universal',

It's not true that you can only call nuxtServerInit from within store/index.js

I think what confused me most was the difference between the modular approach and only having a single store file. In the latter approach, I would do something like:

nuxtServerInit(vuexContext, {req, redirect, params})

Whereas when calling in a module, for example store/modules/auth.js, you cannot use the vuexContext, but instead use dispatch directly:


This worked for me, hope it helps