nvm: N/A: version "N/A -> N/A" is not yet installed

Error: N/A: version "N/A -> N/A" is not yet installed

I got this error after doing nvm use (switching to older Node version 8.11.1, shown in .nvmrc file), nvm uninstall (newer Node version 9.0.0), then a git push.

nvm ls shows my "default" Node version was pointing to the uninstalled one: default -> 9.0.0 (-> N/A). This caused the error.

To fix: nvm alias default node points "default" to the latest installed Node version (8.11.1).

Now nvm ls shows default -> node (-> v8.11.1).

Turns out this error is telling me that I don't have it installed (ie the latest long term support version). To fix it, I had to run:

$ nvm install 'lts/*'

and it worked after that! Snagged from here


