OAI field in biblatex/biber

With the help of experts, here is one solution that satisfies oai requirements. The oai references require a repository and a number such as, for instance oai:hal.example.com:hal-0000001 that can be used to reconstruct the actual internet address of the document of interest, here : http://hal.example.com/hal-000001/

The eprint and eprinttype fields together with the following definition shall be used:



together with, in the .bib file :

author =      {Name, First name},
title =       {Report},
institution = {INH},
year =        {2010},
eprint =      {hal.example.com:hal-000000001},
eprinttype =  {oai}} 

The thing is that it would be even better with an oai field directly in the .bib file.

edit: This approach requires the use of the biblatex package together with the biber engine.

I didn't find any reference to OAI in the Feature Tracker of the biblatex page at sourceforge. You should consider to create a feature request.

biblatex has resources for custom field types. (p. 26 of texdoc biblatex ) It would mean modifying the bibliography style (since none of the standard types make use of, say verba ). So it is already possible to make use of oai fields, with a little work...


