OAuth: how to test with local URLs?

For Mac users, edit the /etc/hosts file. You have to use sudo vi /etc/hosts if its read-only. After authorization, the oauth server sends the callback URL, and since that callback URL is rendered on your local browser, the local DNS setting will work:       mylocal.com

Update October 2016: Easiest now: use lvh.me which always points to, but make sure to verify that this is still true every time you need to invoke it (because domains can expire or get taken over, and DNS poisoning is always a concern)

Previous Answer:

Since the callback request is issued by the browser, as a HTTP redirect response, you can set up your .hosts file or equivalent to point a domain that is not localhost to

Say for example you register the following callback with Twitter: http://www.publicdomain.com/callback/. Make sure that www.publicdomain.com points to in your hosts file, AND that twitter can do a successful DNS lookup on www.publicdomain.com, i.e the domain needs to exist and the specific callback should probably return a 200 status message if requested.


I just read the following article: http://www.tonyamoyal.com/2009/08/17/how-to-quickly-set-up-a-test-for-twitter-oauth-authentication-from-your-local-machine, which was linked to from this question: Twitter oAuth callbackUrl - localhost development.

To quote the article:

You can use bit.ly, a URL shortening service. Just shorten the [localhost URL such as http//localhost:8080/twitter_callback] and register the shortened URL as the callback in your Twitter app.

This should be easier than fiddling around in the .hosts file.

Note that now (Aug '14) bit.ly is not allowing link forwarding to localhost; however Google link shortener works.

PS edit: (Nov '18): Google link shortener stopped giving support for localhost or

You can also use ngrok: https://ngrok.com/. I use it all the time to have a public server running on my localhost. Hope this helps.

Another options which even provides your own custom domain for free are serveo.net and https://localtunnel.github.io/www/

Or you can use https://tolocalhost.com/ and configure how it should redirect a callback to your local site. You can specify the hostname (if different from localhost, i.e. yourapp.local and the port number). For development purposes only.