Obfuscated FizzBuzz Golf
Javascript 97 chars - no numbers at all
Numbers ? Who needs number when you have Javascript !
Note: There is an infinite loop that will alert you the sequence.
Bonus (666 chars)
- No number
- No letter
has been use in the whole script)
Python - 78 chars
while 1:i+=1;print"".join("BzuzzizF"[::2*j]for j in(-1,1)if 1>i%(4+j))or i
GolfScript, 75 69 65 60 59 chars
So, you'd think GolfScript by itself is already obfuscated, right? Well, just to follow the spec, I decided to have the program not contain "fizz", "buzz", nor the numbers 3, 5, nor 15. :-)
Yes, there are some numbers with multiples of 5, like 25, 35, 90, 100, and 6875. Are they red herrings? You decide. ;-)