object class definition in java code example
Example 1: classes in java
// this might help you understand how classes work
public class MathTest {
public static void main(String[] args) {
class MathAdd {
int num1;
int num2;
public int addNumbers() {
int addThemUp = num1 + num2;
return addThemUp;
MathAdd addition = new MathAdd(); // create a new instance of the class
// you can access variables from the class
addition.num1 = 10;
addition.num2 = 20;
// and use the method from the class to add them up
Example 2: class in java
Class is a blueprint or template which
you can create as many objects as you
like. Object is a member or instance
of a class.
Class is declared using class keyword,
Object is created through
new keyword mainly. A class is a template
for objects. A class defines
object properties including a valid range
of values, and a default value.
A class also describes object behavior.