Obnoxious CryptographyDeprecationWarning because of missing hmac.compare_time function everywhere

I hit this error for quite sometime. For my environment, it was a pain to upgrade Python to a higher version than 2.7.6. The easier solution was to downgrade cryptography module using pip:

pip2.7 install cryptography==2.2.2

I think the best solution is to upgrade your python version though

This answer is for Python3

I got here by looking for an answer while using Paramiko. For those still looking for a simple answer. I got these CryptographyDeprecationWarning suppresed with the these lines of code before importing Paramiko:

import warnings 

I hope this helps

I started getting this warning for a straightforward requests.get call. This warning is printed when the module cryptography.hazmat.primitives.constant_time is loaded, and so this should typically only come once per Python program. If you are seeing it many times, it must be because a Python program (like a utility) is getting executed multiple times. You just have to identify that program and add the below code to the main entry point:

import cryptography
from cryptography import utils
with warnings.catch_warnings():
    warnings.simplefilter('ignore', cryptography.utils.DeprecatedIn23)
    import cryptography.hazmat.primitives.constant_time