Observable.forkJoin with a for loop

Using the for loop to make multiple HTTP requests, and then subscribe to all of them separately should be avoided in order not to have many Observable connections opened.

As @Juan Mendes mentioned, Observable.forkJoin will return an array of tasks that match the index of each process in your processes array. You can also assign tasks to each process as they arrive as follows:

getTasksForEachProcess(): Observable<any> {

    let tasksObservables = this.processes.map(process, processIdx) => {
        return myService.getTasks(process)
            .map(tasks => {
                this.processes[processIdx].tasks = tasks; // assign tasks to each process as they arrive
                return tasks;
            .catch((error: any) => {
                console.error('Error loading tasks for process: ' + process, 'Error: ', error);
                return Observable.of(null); // In case error occurs, we need to return Observable, so the stream can continue

    return Observable.forkJoin(tasksObservables);

    tasksArray => {
        console.log(tasksArray); // [[Task], [Task], [Task]];
        // In case error occurred e.g. for the process at position 1,
        // Output will be: [[Task], null, [Task]];

        // If you want to assign tasks to each process after all calls are finished:
        tasksArray.forEach((tasks, i) => this.processes[i].tasks = tasksArray[i]);

Please also take a look at this post: Send multiple asynchronous HTTP GET requests

Thanks to Seid Mehmedovic for great explanation but it looks like code missing one round bracket near map. For me it worked as follows:

getTasksForEachProcess(): Observable<any> {

    let tasksObservables = this.processes.map((process, processIdx) => {
        return myService.getTasks(process)
            .map(tasks => {
                this.processes[processIdx].tasks = tasks; // assign tasks to each process as they arrive
                return tasks;
            .catch((error: any) => {
                console.error('Error loading tasks for process: ' + process, 'Error: ', error);
                return Observable.of(null); // In case error occurs, we need to return Observable, so the stream can continue

    return Observable.forkJoin(tasksObservables);

    tasksArray => {
        console.log(tasksArray); // [[Task], [Task], [Task]];
        // In case error occurred e.g. for the process at position 1,
        // Output will be: [[Task], null, [Task]];

        // If you want to assign tasks to each process after all calls are finished:
        tasksArray.forEach((tasks, i) => this.processes[i].tasks = tasksArray[i]);