ObservableField or LiveData? Which one is the best?

Both LiveData and Observable could be used alternatively. LiveData is lifecycle aware and hence will notify only the observables which are "active".

Quoting official documentation on https://developer.android.com/topic/libraries/data-binding/architecture#livedata

Unlike objects that implement Observable—such as observable fields—LiveData objects know about the lifecycle of the observers subscribed to the data changes. This knowledge enables many benefits, which are explained in The advantages of using LiveData. In Android Studio version 3.1 and higher, you can replace observable fields with LiveData objects in your data binding code.

As mentioned both are usable for UI binding interchangeably. LiveData is a quick method but if you want more control on the binding Obserable is a way to go with.

Quoting official documentation on https://developer.android.com/topic/libraries/data-binding/architecture#observable-viewmodel

There are situations where you might prefer to use a ViewModel component that implements the Observable interface over using LiveData objects, even if you lose the lifecycle management capabilities of LiveData. Using a ViewModel component that implements Observable gives you more control over the binding adapters in your app. For example, this pattern gives you more control over the notifications when data changes, it also allows you to specify a custom method to set the value of an attribute in two-way data binding.

We get options to customize the binding in case of an Observable which might be helpful in some case.

Personal preference is to go with LiveData. In case some some customization or more control is needed on the binding go for Obervable

The core difference is that ObservableField<T> is not lifecycle-aware and hence there cannot be any automatic subscription management. While LiveData<T> is lifecycle-aware and solves tons of headaches with subscription management when it comes to Activity/Fragment lifecycles.

There is no one way to answer what is the best to use. It is a personal choice, but I would suggest using LiveData<T> just to save yourself some time and avoid potential issues in the future.


  • Work well with data binding
  • Bound views automatically unsubscribe when in the background
  • POJO classes can also subscribe to changes


  • LiveData allows for POJO subscribers to be lifecycle aware. Meaning that if you have a property B that you want to update when A changes, you can opt to not receive updates when the attached view is inactive. This saves resources.
  • Background thread updates of ObservableField<T> are immediate. MutableLiveData.postData is delayed.
  • Values of LiveData<T> and ObservableField<T> are always nullable, but the primitive implementations ObservableInt, -Float, -Boolean etc are non-nullable.
  • MutableLiveData<T> doesn't take a constructor value to set on initialization.

When to use what

  • Do you have external events that may trigger cascading data change in the ViewModel when the app is in the backgrond? You should probably go for LiveData
  • Do you require value update on background threads to be immediate*? Use Observables

None of the above requirements? You can't go wrong with either but ObservableField is a simpler class.

*) "Immediate" in the sense that a get directly after a set/postValue is guaranteed to return the value you just set. None of the types are of course immediate when it comes to UI update.