Observer pattern in Go language

Here I give a classific implementation without channels, be free to refer this post enter image description here

Assumed Example: Suppose you are interested in the stock market. You have the following needs: You want to keep track of the stock prices of a particular company (e.g. Apple Inc). You would not like to miss any stock price update especially if the price is dropping to a certain point. You would like to be notified of all the stock price updates.


// Subject interface
type Subject interface {
    Attach(o Observer) (bool, error)
    Detach(o Observer) (bool, error)
    Notify() (bool, error)

// Observer Interface
type Observer interface {

Concrete Observer object

// Concrete Observer: StockObserver
type StockObserver struct {
    name string

func (s *StockObserver) Update(t string) {
    // do something
    println("StockObserver:",, "has been updated,", "received subject string:", t)

Concrete Subject object

// Concrete Subject: stockMonitor
type StockMonitor struct {
    // internal state
    ticker string
    price  float64

    observers []Observer

func (s *StockMonitor) Attach(o Observer) (bool, error) {

    for _, observer := range s.observers {
        if observer == o {
            return false, errors.New("Observer already exists")
    s.observers = append(s.observers, o)
    return true, nil

func (s *StockMonitor) Detach(o Observer) (bool, error) {

    for i, observer := range s.observers {
        if observer == o {
            s.observers = append(s.observers[:i], s.observers[i+1:]...)
            return true, nil
    return false, errors.New("Observer not found")

func (s *StockMonitor) Notify() (bool, error) {
    for _, observer := range s.observers {
    return true, nil

func (s *StockMonitor) SetPrice(price float64) {
    s.price = price

func (s *StockMonitor) String() string {
    convertFloatToString := strconv.FormatFloat(s.price, 'f', 2, 64)
    return "StockMonitor: " + s.ticker + " $" + convertFloatToString


func main() {

    // Create a new stockMonitor object
    stockMonitor := &StockMonitor{
        ticker: "AAPL",
        price:  0.0,

    observerA := &StockObserver{
        name: "Observer A",
    observerB := &StockObserver{
        name: "Observer B",

    // Attach our Observers to the stockMonitor

    // Start the stockMonitor

    // Change the price of the stockMonitor

    // Detach an Observer from the stockMonitor

    // Change the price of the stockMonitor

In this part

  • We create two observers, observerA and observerB. Attach them to the stockMonitor.
  • Change the price of the stockMonitor.
  • We see that observerA and obsererB are both notified.
  • Detach observerA from the stockMonitor and change the stock price. We can see that only observerB is notified.

This is actually pretty simple in Go. Use channels. This is the kind of thing they're made for.

type Publish struct {
    listeners []chan *Msg

type Subscriber struct {
    Channel chan *Msg

func (p *Publisher) Sub(c chan *Msg) {

func (p *Publisher) Pub(m *Msg) {
    for _, c := range p.listeners {
        c <- Msg

func (s *Subscriber) ListenOnChannel() {
    for {
        data := <-s.Channel
        //Process data

func main() {
    for _, v := range subscribers {
        go v.ListenOnChannel()
    //Some kind of wait here

Obviously this isn't exactly a working code sample. But it's close.