Obtain & manipulate bit pattern of float as integer

The problem is that a Python float object might not be a IEEE 754, because it is an object (in fact they are, but internally they could hold whichever representation is more convenient)...

As leo said, you can do a type cast with ctypes, so you are enforcing a particular representation (in this case, single precision):

from ctypes import *
x = 173.3125
bits = cast(pointer(c_float(x)), POINTER(c_int32)).contents.value
print hex(bits)
#swap the least significant bit
bits ^= 1

And then back:

y = cast(pointer(c_int32(bits)), POINTER(c_float)).contents.value

You can get the string you want (apparently implying a big-endian, 32-bit representation; Python internally uses the native endianity and 64-bits for floats) with the struct module:

>>> import struct
>>> x = 173.125
>>> s = struct.pack('>f', x)
>>> ''.join('%2.2x' % ord(c) for c in s)

this doesn't yet let you perform bitwise operations, but you can then use struct again to map the string into an int:

>>> i = struct.unpack('>l', s)[0]
>>> print hex(i)

and now you have an int which you can use in any sort of bitwise operations (follow the same two steps in reverse if after said operations you need to get a float again).

For reference, it is also possible to use numpy and view.

import numpy

def fextract( f ):
  bits = numpy.asarray( f, dtype=numpy.float64 ).view( numpy.int64 )
  if not bits & 0x7fffffffffffffff: # f == +/-0
    return 0, 0
  sign = numpy.sign(bits)
  exponent = ( (bits>>52) & 0x7ff ) - 1075
  mantissa = 0x10000000000000 | ( bits & 0xfffffffffffff )
  # from here on f == sign * mantissa * 2**exponent
  for shift in 32, 16, 8, 4, 2, 1:
    if not mantissa & ((1<<shift)-1):
      mantissa >>= shift
      exponent += shift
  return sign * mantissa, exponent

fextract( 1.5 ) # --> 3, -1