Octave error filename undefined near line x column y
This fixed the problem [at least for me, on Windows]:
Entering the following command in Octave:
before calling the script:
There is more info here.
You need to also save the file as "fileName.m"
Octave doesn't recognize 'fileName.M'. It has to be a lower-case '.m' extension
Octave (I'm on 4.0.3) will return this error (undefined near line 1 column 1) if you have a capital letter in your path anywhere. For example, if you have a folder on Windows, with the name d:/Myfolder/octave and then you write this:
cd d:/myfolder/octave (note the small "m")
Then octave will fail.
You have to write exactly the windows path:
cd d:/Myfolder/octave
and octave will be fine