oh-my-zsh plugins not working

I got bitten by this.

What happened is you did a manual install and the instructions for the manual install don't mention that you need to set the PATH yourself.

So you end up with the default PATH. The source for the automatic setup code copies your current path and appends it to the .zshrc, which isn't enough if you depend on non-standard PATH entries (e.g. you run Homebrew on a Mac).

So the fix is simple:

Fire up your old shell and its configuration file and then copy and paste the value of $PATH into the top of your ~/.zshrc file.


Make sure that you define your plugins variable before you initialize zsh:

plugins=(git wd)
export ZSH=/home/<user>/.oh-my-zsh
source $ZSH/oh-my-zsh.sh

I had the same problem just now! There was a package called grml-zsh-config installed in my Archlinux. I removed this package and oh-my-zsh themes started to work.


