Omit Date from LyX Titlepage in KOMA-Script Book

Check Documents > Settings > Suppress default date on front page.

I think it is as simple as adding the "evil red text" \date{} to your preamble. To add your ERT place the cursor before your title, Ctrl-l (that's a small "L" not a capital "I") and type \date{} into the red box, and that should do it. You can also choose the menu button marked TeX or go through your menu, Insert then TeX-Code to add your TeX. And see related A Brief History of ERT

A Latex MWE solely for illustration (and not the code LyX uses to produce the same document) is below:


    \title{Hello Cat}



    Hello Alice.


enter image description hereenter image description here

Go to Document>Settings>Document class and tick suppress default date on front page. I found this out while scouring for a simple way to get this done on this page and thought to share.