omit nested properties with Lodash

Lodash _.omit works with nested objects. It appears that they improved the function since your question :)

object = _.omit(object, 'requestsPerSecond.5MinuteRate', 'requestsPerSecond.15MinuteRate');


omit will be removed from Lodash 5 onward

In case you need to omit some kind of paths deeply, here is an omitDeep from Deepdash:

obj = _.omitDeep(obj, /\.*5MinuteRate"\]$/);

note that this method will exclude all the matching paths at any depths. It supports a single path or array, represented as a constant value(s) or as a regex(es).

In the case of a string path given as an argument, each path in the object will be checked to end with given criteria. here is a more detailed codepen for your case

(Answer updated to fit most recent Deepdash v3.1.0)

You were almost there. Just assign what would be the result of your subObject to object.requestsPerSecond.

var object = {
  requestsPerSecond: {
    mean: 1710.2180279856818,
    count: 10511,
    'currentRate': 1941.4893498239829,
    '1MinuteRate': 168.08263156623656,
    '5MinuteRate': 34.74630977619571,
    '15MinuteRate': 11.646507524106095

object.requestsPerSecond = _.omit(object.requestsPerSecond, '5MinuteRate', '15MinuteRate');

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Use unset: , it gets cleaner:

var obj = { 
  requestsPerSecond: { 
    mean: 1710.2180279856818,
    count: 10511,
    'currentRate': 1941.4893498239829,
    '1MinuteRate': 168.08263156623656,
    '5MinuteRate': 34.74630977619571,
    '15MinuteRate': 11.646507524106095 

_.forEach(['requestsPerSecond.5MinuteRate', 'requestsPerSecond.15MinuteRate'], 
  function(omitProperty) {
    obj = _.unset(obj, omitProperty);

// Or avoiding the "extra" loop.
obj = _.unset(obj, 'requestsPerSecond.5MinuteRate');
obj = _.unset(obj, 'requestsPerSecond.15MinuteRate');