onChange event for React child component to update state

The onChange handler for the DatePicker is not called with a standard browser change event, but with value and formattedValue as arguments. I would recommend to register different onChange handlers in your Child component that transform the respective input field's event:

Controller Component

class Parent extends React.Component {
    constructor (props) {
        this.state = {} 

    onChange(field, value) {
        // parent class change handler is always called with field name and value
        this.setState({[field]: value});

    render () {
        return <Child onChange={this.onChange.bind(this)} />

Child Component

class Child extends React.Component {
    constructor (props) {

    onFieldChange(event) {
        // for a regular input field, read field name and value from the event
        const fieldName = event.target.name;
        const fieldValue = event.target.value;
        this.props.onChange(fieldName, fieldValue);

    onDateChange(dateValue) {
        // for a date field, the value is passed into the change handler
        this.props.onChange('dateCommenced', dateValue);

    render () {
        return <form>
          <input type="text" name="jobNumber" onChange={this.onFieldChange.bind(this)} /> 
          <DatePicker onChange={this.onDateChange.bind(this)}  />

import React from 'react'
export default {
  [formData, setFormData] = React.useState({
    name: '',
    number: '',
    email: '',
    address: '',
    zip: ''

  const handleChange = (e) => {
    setFormData({ ...formData, [e.target.name]: e.target.value })
  return (
      <input type='text' name='name' onChange={handleChange} />
      <input type='text' name='number' onChange={handleChange} />
      <input type='email' name='email' onChange={handleChange} />
      <textarea name='address' onChange={handleChange}></textarea>
      <input type='text' name='zip' onChange={handleChange} />
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